Not until recently did I know that
vibrators can be easily acquired in the street of Nairobi. I thought it was
just fascination by people in town, who say that Sex toys are the ‘new arrival’. I still can ‘t believe if
men toys can make any good business in Kenya but am tempted to think that
vibrators are possibly making good business. I am also surprised to see how
Kenyans have become sexually liberated from our stringent African cultural
practices with toys retailing for as low as 500 bob in online stores in Kenya.
There are a few sites that are doing this business and offering to deliver the
toys within CBD.
This begs the question, are people interested
in buying them? Obviously there is no
market that can be successful without sustainable demand and supply. If there
is supply there is certainly someone willing and ready to buy. Many Kenyans
would love to remain silent on this kind of topic preferring to discuss it in
the confines of their bedrooms. I would like to examine the truth about the history
of vibrators, legal and ethical debates about the use and sale of vibrators
round the world.
What Purpose were Vibrators initially made?
Vibrator was a medical invention
that was intended to manage or treat
hysteria in women. Although this has been
known as the history of where vibrators came from, they have since been
designed, adopted and marketed as sex toys for women. Although, women who use
such toys in African communities like Kenya are condemned and somewhat
stigmatized, this is changing by the day.
Whether a woman uses a toy or not
is no longer the focus of many men who are dating, meaning men have gradually
accepted it as a norm. Although not all men will agree to the use of these
toys, there are considerable brand of men who have least concern about them. It
is notable that vibrators are severely condemned in African context when they are
related to acts of lesbians but seemingly accepted in the context of
heterosexuality. They are gradually
being accepted as the norm. You may want to learn more about the
history of Vibrators from this Post.
Legality of Sale and Use of Vibrators round the World
Considering these facts there are a
number of legal and ethic questions that are raised on whether the use of this
toys should be accepted as legal. To cite some example there are countries that
do not allow the sale of these toys. There are laws that prohibit the use and
sale of these toys in such countries. A good example is India. Although such a
law exists they are easily accessible via online stores. Other notable places
that they have been banned in the past are South America. In Alabama the
legality of sale and use of these toys is enshrined in the Anti- Obscenity
Enforcement Act that was drafted in 1998. Although such laws exist it’s hard to
prosecute anyone who has such a device since this would grossly infringe on
their right to privacy.
It is notable that Alabama is the only state
that the law prohibits sale of Sex toys and resident have to obtain a
prescription for buying sex toys! Isn’t this ridiculous? Although the laws
purport and label these devices as ‘Obscene devices ‘One American bioethicist
argues that they are meant for the ‘social good’ He further describes them a
substitute for marital inadequacies! It is arguable that they play an important
role in the emotional health of millions of women world over! Do you agree with
this argument?
In Kenya I have not heard of a legistration that bans their use or sale,
I neither don’t think we should have such a law!
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