Interesting Scientific and Historical Facts about Human Sex with Animals

By on 16:15

In the last two weeks Kenya social scene has been abuzz with amusement at the discovery of three girls having sex with dogs in Mombasa. While this is unheard of in Kenyan culture, there are many ways we may look at this issue without limiting our thinking to only social consequences. I want to give this bizarre incidence a scientific opinion to help us know more about sexual disorders. The best way to learn about sexual disorders is examining history and some well known scientific facts. In this post I will highlight some interesting facts about Zoophilia and the possible causes. 

Whether we can relate psychiatric disorder (paraphilia) to the incidence in Mombasa or not, there is serious mental problems that go unaddressed in our country, we need to appreciate that this girls may not only been under financial undue influence but as a matter of fact, they could possibly be suffering from
this mental disorder.

What is Zoophlia?

Zoophilia is the unnatural act that involves humans having sex with animals this is considered as one of the most crime in many countries. It is outlawed in many countries and people found are prosecuted and viewed as social outcasts. The following are facts about Zoophilia;

10 Facts about Zoophilia
  1. Zoophilia is commonly called bestiality or Zoosexuality
  2. Zoophiles is the name used to described people who have sex with animals equivalent to pedophiles
  3. Zoophilia is a paraphilia a mental disorder observed in humans as erotic arousal or sexual attraction towards animals
  4. Zoosadism is term used to described mental disorder of deriving pleasure by infliction of pain on animals
  5. According to statistics (Kinsey Report) at least 8% of men and 3.6 % of women have sex with animals in their lifetime.
  6. This is very common amongst people who live in farms or interact with animals
  7. There are publications that purport Zoophilia to be common fantasies amongst women than men.
  8. In some ancient history some brothels would stage mating animals as a way of arousing their clientele
  9. Latent Zoophilia is a suppressed urge to have sex with animals
  10. Currently no medical treatment is available for zoophilia like all the other kinds of paraphilia

The following are the classes of Zoophilia;
  1. Human-animal role-players
  2. Romantic zoophiles
  3. Zoophilic fantasizers  
  4. Fetishistic zoophiles
  5. Sadistic bestials                      
  6. Regular zoophiles
  7. Exclusive zoophiles
  8. Tactile zoophiles
  9. Opportunistic zoophiles

Health Concerns
There may be serious health consequences the most common being allergic reaction to animal semen and transmission of the following diseases;
  1. Brucellosis
  2. Q fever
  3. Leptospirosis
  4. Toxocariasis

You can read more from Wikipedia

Kenyan Bachelor

Kenyan Guy with passion for technology, style, writing and blogging, constantly fascinated by gadgets, geeky stuff and beautiful universe. In a typical day Kenyan Bachelor is a guy you will find anywhere in near gadgets, computers and geeky forums. ..