How to Identify and Eliminate Bad Breath

By on 04:32

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Bad breath is one of the reasons why you will not be getting a second date. Most people cannot stand bad breath especially in romantic relationships. I have from time to time researched on the best ways that you can use to quickly identify bad breath and eliminate so that you can have a perfect romantic relationship. This post will focus on this steps that you can use to identify and eliminate bad breath.

Causes of Bad Breath
It’s important we begin by highlighting some of the possible causes of bad breath since you can control the bad breath by controlling the causes. The following are the most common causes of bad breath;
·         Food or Diet- Foods with strong odors and spices are thought to be a leading cause of bad breath
·         Smoking – Its one of the most obvious cause of bad breath
·         Alcohol – Increase alcoholic consumption is obviously a leading cause of bad breath
·         Gum Diseases- Gum disease will manifest as bad breath
·         Tooth Decay- the tooth that is decaying emits bad odors and therefore causes bad breath

How can you know you Have Bad Breath?
There are many ways you can use to identify if you have bad breath obviously you will not ask your date if you have bad breath. You can ask an honest friend if you have bad breath or you can do the following test.
·         Lick your inner part of the forearm
·         Allow it to dry for a few minutes
·         Smell the dried part you licked
·         If it has a bad odor, you have bad breath.

Ways to Eliminate Bad Breath
·         Consider stopping habits that predispose you to bad breath like smoking and eating foods with bad odor
·         Regularly brush your teeth and rinse them with the mouth wash for bad breath
·         Make use you clean your tongue with the brush when you are brushing your teeth to eliminate the food particles that are in your tongue.
·         If the problem is persistent seek a dentist help, you could be suffering from a dental disease
·         Regularly chew some anti bad breathe gums to just get rid of the bad breath. This is just a temporally measure.

 Get Rid of Bad Breath and Have a Wonderful Dating and Kissing Experience.

Kenyan Bachelor

Kenyan Guy with passion for technology, style, writing and blogging, constantly fascinated by gadgets, geeky stuff and beautiful universe. In a typical day Kenyan Bachelor is a guy you will find anywhere in near gadgets, computers and geeky forums. ..