NAIVASHA, KENYA: A 68-year-old man
from Kinagop, Nyandarua County wants to divorce his 60 year old
wife for denying him his conjugal rights.
After 38 years in marriage, the granny wants to call it quits insisting that his rights have been violated.
Its been 10 Years
After 38 years in marriage, the granny wants to call it quits insisting that his rights have been violated.
Its been 10 Years
The granny claims that for the last ten years,
he has never gotten intimate with his wife and cannot take it anymore and wants
to start his life afresh.
Despite his advanced stage, the man says that he is strong and can still perform at any level and challenged the doubting-Thomas for a ‘match’.
His wife admits that she refused having sex with her hubby after he
started coming
up with queer and ungodly styles which always left her body aching.Despite his advanced stage, the man says that he is strong and can still perform at any level and challenged the doubting-Thomas for a ‘match’.
His wife admits that she refused having sex with her hubby after he
Joel Kimani , a witness at a wazee baraza called to settle the marital dispute said the man recounted how his wife had even shifted from their matrimonial bed ten years ago.
Kimani said that the granny had even identified a potential wife and referred to a single mother of five in the village who was better known for moving around with widowers.
What She Had to Say
It was then that the wazees decided to invite
the woman to defend herself
and tell what was going on in their marriage.
To their shock, the woman admitted that they were no longer intimate with her husband due to his queer demands.
She told how the husband after frequent night-overs in the nearby Naivasha town could come back with new styles.
“Alianza tabia mbaya, kuniambia nikae hivi, pinduku huku, inama hivi na ikafika mahali nikaona kama ataniua huku akisema ni mastylo mpya,” meaning he started asking be to try different styles and I was afraid I will get hurt, said the woman leaving the elders in stitches.
To their shock, the woman admitted that they were no longer intimate with her husband due to his queer demands.
She told how the husband after frequent night-overs in the nearby Naivasha town could come back with new styles.
“Alianza tabia mbaya, kuniambia nikae hivi, pinduku huku, inama hivi na ikafika mahali nikaona kama ataniua huku akisema ni mastylo mpya,” meaning he started asking be to try different styles and I was afraid I will get hurt, said the woman leaving the elders in stitches.
The man interjected and tried to attack the woman in public
accusing her of having an affair with another man.
The two had to be separated as emotions ran high with the man vowing to proceed and remarry while the woman stood her grounds that she was not ready for new styles.
The two had to be separated as emotions ran high with the man vowing to proceed and remarry while the woman stood her grounds that she was not ready for new styles.