6 Best Places to Meet Good Women in Nairobi for Dating

By on 14:51

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If you are wondering where you can meet a good date in Nairobi, you may want to read these tips of the best places to meet Women in Nairobi for dating. Before you review these places, you probably missed out on the most read post in the previous week ‘ Obvious reasons why you get rejected on the first date’ You may want to begin by reading this post for you to be confident as you make your next move towards meeting a woman of your dreams in Nairobi.
The following are the best places to meet women in Nairobi for dating:

#1) Outdoor Event
No doubt outdoor events make one of the best places you will meet good girls. The events may range from charity walks, marathons, motor sports and much more. The best way to get to know when these events are coming up is to read in newspapers and blogs updates. You should keep abreast with the upcoming events, the venue, charges and the possible people who will attend these events for you to make a decision on whether this is an ideal place to meet the woman of your dreams.

# 2) School or College
School is obviously the most common of all places that people met their spouses. School or college provides a great meeting place for people and offers you the limitless possibility of meeting someone you would probably have not met anywhere else. In college you can meet good women in libraries, class and during school activities like sports, events and so on.

# 3) Work Place
Although not so many people want to date their colleagues at work, if you don’t mind, you may find it interesting to date a good girl at your work place. Work place is not limited to your company but may extend to the environs such as the same building, the same work area and so on. Don’t limit yourself when it comes to dating women within your work vicinity.

# 4 Seminars and Conferences
Seminars and conferences present you with a great opportunity to meet women of high caliber and class who aspire to grow their career. When you attend regular off work seminars, be on the lookout, you may meet your dream girl in that conference.

# 5 Church
Obviously all the good girls attend church one time or another. Church remains to be one of the leading places that you are more likely to meet a good woman in Kenya. This does not mean that all the girls who attend church services are the best but there is a high propensity of meeting a good girl in church than any other place.

# 6 Weddings
If you shun attending weddings, you may be missing out on great opportunities to meet a woman of your dreams. Weddings in Kenya provide a thriving ground of romance and meeting good women. Next time you think of getting a good girl, you may contemplate attending weddings that you are invited.

Good Luck 

Kenyan Bachelor

Kenyan Guy with passion for technology, style, writing and blogging, constantly fascinated by gadgets, geeky stuff and beautiful universe. In a typical day Kenyan Bachelor is a guy you will find anywhere in near gadgets, computers and geeky forums. ..