Nothing beats a man hands down, than a futile chase of a mate who
will neither give in, to his yielding demands nor show him total rejection. Its
better a girl you are falling rejects you from the beginning than keeping you
there dangling with your emotions, while she has absolutely no intent of dating
you. In the recent past there are several people who are crying foul when faced
with such a situation. Most girls have mastered the art of playing hard to get
but some go over board and will drive men crazy who are looking for serious
relationships. Have you seen young men going out of their way to impress their
purported GFs, only to get a series of disappointments? This can be summarized
by an old axiom ‘Nothing hurts, than loving someone who will not love you back’
If you have been in such a situation I have a solution for you. This solution
is based on an attitude that has been seen to work miracles for those who dare
nurture it.
Men are disadvantaged in this dating game, since women call the
shot, when it comes to choice of their mate. This is a natural fact and you
cannot fight nature but adopt! There are a number of things that you can do, to
up your game, reduce your rejection rate and improve your dating esteem
immensely. These are the few important things that will help you get
along with
a partner who is very elusive and eventually make them fall for you. I will
discuss each of these facts in different posts and you may find them useful if
your relationship is compromised at the moment.
One such dating strategies that you can use is adopting the
mentality ‘No strings Attached ‘ This is a lethal weapon that will make you
become a powerful socialite, a daring of women and the most sought after
mate. You should not confuse this with
promiscuity as I will explain. Basically the ‘No strings attached ‘mentality helps
you dissociates your emotions with your relationships. For some reasons women
do not like feeble men who have ready emotions to dish out. You got emit some
aura of serious masculinity for you to be admirable!
Unless you have seen you’re
your new relationship has a good chance of survival, you should adopt don’t
care mentality and never try to show emotions initially. If you do, you may
gradually lose your guard and become a serious victim of her ‘Hard to get game’
haven’t you heard someone you are crazily falling for telling you, that you
would rather be friends. This is the same thing here, you should not try to
justify that should be more than friends, let the status quo remain as you wait
for opportune time for her to accept you.
If you are starting a relationship and want it to be successful
some slight dose of ‘hardcoreness ‘makes you admirable. You should always be
keen not to make use of words that elicit emotional response at the beginning
of the relationship. If you are truly going to win someone who is playing too
hard to get but interested in you, adopting this mentality helps you safeguard
your emotional health that can suffer when faced a brutal rejection. By
adopting this kind of nonchalant mentality, you will not fear getting rejected
and you will be a winner in the long run. The more you are able to overcome
FEAR OF REJECTION the better you will become at meeting new people and dating
without getting disappointed.
Good Luck
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