DO YOU KNOW: You Might Be Infected with Chlamydia and Have No IDEA!

By on 04:04

If you have not heard about Chlamydia infection before, this post will enlighten you on all that you need to know about Chlamydia infection and help you deal with it. You might want to read this post carefully since you might be infected with Chlamydia and living with it unknowingly! Shocking as it sounds; Chlamydia is one of the common sexually transmitted diseases that might go unnoticed and easily transmitted to sexual partners.

It is possible to get this infection from an infected woman since there is a high chance of about 75% infection from women while men its barely 50%. You might probably be noticing unusual discomforts and slight pain in your groin recently, if you have had such an experience it might be important you know more about Chlamydia infection in men and seek treatment immediately! 

What is Chlamydia and what are the Signs of Infection in Men?
Chlamydia is a bacterial infection that is not easily noticed in
infected partners.  You may be infected and living with it for some weeks without noticing anything abnormal. About 3 weeks of infection you may see
·         Small but cloudy discharge from penis
·         Pain when passing urine
·         Some burning sensation at the tip of the penis (kuwashwawashwa )
·         Pain and swelling of the testicles
If you have seen these signs there is reason to suspect you might be infected with Chlamydia.  
In women you might observe the following signs :
·         Discharge that is abnormal in color and smell
·         Pain and fever
·         Painful coitus
·         Painful urination
·         Bleeding between periods
·         Thrush (burning sensation )



If you have such signs you should visit the doctor, he will swab the urethra for a sample, culture it or microscopic examination for the presence of the bacteria.


 If diagnosed you are treated with oral antibiotics and the doctor might recommend your partner to get treated too!

How long will recovery last

It will take about 7 to 14 days but you should finish the dose of oral antibiotics given for the treatment to be effective. You are not supposed to engage in sexual activities while under treatment.


You may be required to retest after treatment to ascertain that you are cured of Chlamydia. 

What is the Worst that Can Happen?

If women are not treated it might degenerate to pelvic inflammatory disease that leads to infertility since the female reproduction organs are adversely affected by the infection.

In men it consequently progresses to infection of epididymis and inflammation of rectum something that will definitely affect your fertility.

Prevention of Chlamydia infection
·         Use of Protection while having sex
·         Only have one sexual partner
·         Abstinence from sexual activities
·         Seeking treatment immediately you notice this signs.

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Kenyan Bachelor

Kenyan Guy with passion for technology, style, writing and blogging, constantly fascinated by gadgets, geeky stuff and beautiful universe. In a typical day Kenyan Bachelor is a guy you will find anywhere in near gadgets, computers and geeky forums. ..