Why Men would rather marry a ‘Whore’ than Conservative Girl

By on 04:20

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Nothing confuses a man than the choice of a mate who will be his life time partner, the mother of his kids and his first lady. While this confusion reigns, majority of men getting married are torn between making choices on the best partner out of the girls they have been dating. This is not strange since many men will have at least two girls to compare in their final moment before they can decide on where they will settle. In this case there are a number of factors that come to play when men are selecting spouses. 
One of the most important factor than men look for is the ability of the woman they are marrying to satisfy them sexually. Many men can never compromise on this one explaining why many men pressurize their partner by persistence advances to ensure they are making the right decision on mate selection.  Nothing can be as deceitful as a man who marries a woman who cannot satisfy his sexual drive. In most cases this man may end up cheating. So this brings up, this question; ‘Should you marry a ‘whore’ or the conservative girl?

·         Marrying a Girl from Ocha (Muchatha)
One of my friends argues that the best way to get married and live happily thereafter, is to get a girl from your village, bring her to
Nairobi, teach her a few things like operating a microwave, keep her happy by taking her out (Uhuru park will do the trick) for once a month and when she get her first baby, let her forget outings to concentrate on raising your kids.
For some reason I think this approach is serious escapism, and poses a danger than she can change either way. Generally, men fear that the sexual life would deteriorate within a short time when they marry this kind of a girl. It is also thought if she decides to out of your wedlock, she will do it crazily since she did not do it at the early time! Whether this is true or false remains a subject of debate

·         Marrying a ‘Whore’
If you are marrying a ‘whore’ this is a tall order and you will either have to be lucky to get a good one or very unlucky with one who will frisk you from endless and useless outings, bash, shoes, …the list is endless. Despite all these shortcomings most men will bet that their sexual life will be better since this kind of a girl will have a very good sexual appetite and will deliver great satisfaction. It is arguable that this kind of girl adopts the attitude ‘been there done that ‘and will rarely want to cheat on you since they have seen it ALL!

Whether you choose to marry a girl from Muchatha or a ‘whore’ you should remain in control of the relationship else you will be very frustrated. By having a clear agreement on the role of every one in your relationship you will safeguard your relationship and help increase the rare chances of marriage survival in the world today.

Biblical Fact: When Israel sinned against God in the reign of Jeroboam, Hosea was called to be a prophet and he was called by God to marry an unfaithful woman (whore) Hosea 1 Vs 1- 20

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Kenyan Bachelor

Kenyan Guy with passion for technology, style, writing and blogging, constantly fascinated by gadgets, geeky stuff and beautiful universe. In a typical day Kenyan Bachelor is a guy you will find anywhere in near gadgets, computers and geeky forums. ..