There is a high likelihood that a
strangers drinking in Nairobi clubs might end up having sex in the same night!
This is trend has popularly been termed as ‘Chips Funga’. Chips fungaing is
something that happens from time to time in Nairobi in the recent past. Have
you ever wondered about the role played by alcohol in this ‘chips fungaing’?
May be is time you read some
interesting facts about the relationship between sex and alcohol. Sex and alcohol
are certainly bed fellows with women being the most affected by having an
increase sexual urge when drunk. Some few surveys and research suggest that
women enjoy sex when they are drunk than sober. You may want to read:
Scientific Fact: Read Why Women Enjoy Sex When Drunk than when they areSober.
Nothing Wrong with Drinking: God Wanted us to be Happy so he Made Beer!
‘Oooolkoohol ‘as Joseph Kaguthi put it when we were growing up, is a
drug that has depressant effect and can be harmful when taken irresponsibly. I don’t
believe in demonizing alcohol since I personally believe without beer the world
would not be interesting.This can be reaffirmed by a quote I recently saw on a
T-Shirt ‘God Wanted us to be Happy so he Made Beer! ‘In its sarcasm this quote
expresses the true spirit of responsible drinking.
I cannot overemphasize how beer is important
to the masses but advocate for responsible drinking. By understanding the role alcohol
plays to our sexual behavior enhancement or depression we will understand the
reasons why we have different sexual reactions when
drunk. The effects of alcohol
to your sexual drive in different stages are as follows:
Stage 1: Suppressed Psychological Inhibitions (Tipsy)
When you start taking alcohol you
begin to have suppression of your psychological inhibitions. It means after a
few beers you can make some serious moves. Haven’t you seen this in clubs; a
seemingly walks into the club, calls the waiter and orders.
For the first one hour he is cool, but as the
night ages he begins payukaing all over the place! That’s what suppressed psychological
inhibitions is ….’yaani’ you are gradually losing touch with your psychological
normalcy. Driving when you are drunk also shows you have seriously lost control
of your inhibitions.
Stage 2: Increase Sexual Desire (Kuchanganykiwa )
With suppressed psychological inhibitions
what follows is an increase in the sexual desire. This is the point where you
begin to see very woman is very beautiful (you remember this?). This stage precedes
getting your drink spiked (‘kuwekewa mchele ‘ )
Stage 3: Getting Spiked (Kuwekewa Mchele)
Most guys who get doped they
first walk to a club sober alone, they start drinking then talk to a Stanger …they
will soon be collected in a bus station next morning. May be you need to see
There are a number of drugs
that can be used to spike your drink. Knowing how these drugs work and can be a
good way to helping someone who you suspect the drink was spiked! Or you could somewhat
save your skin!
Stage4: The PUKE (Aibu)
If you were lucky to escape stage
3 you may end up here with more Jugs of KEG to drink. This stage you probably
have taken more alcohol than the body can handle and now your body wants to get
rid of some.
You can either PUKE without warning, get embarrassed and blackout on your PUKE. This is the worst thing and it happens. Try not to get here coz nothing is sexy about puking!
You can either PUKE without warning, get embarrassed and blackout on your PUKE. This is the worst thing and it happens. Try not to get here coz nothing is sexy about puking!
Stage 5: Blackout, and Chips Fungwad, Crushed on Thika Rd or
all Manner of Bad things!
This stage is synonymous with DISASTER no MUCH to SAY see the Photos :
Stage 5: Recuperation (Damage Control)
Here you are either nursing
wounds or body injury, struggling with an STI, to struggling with financial recuperation. None
of these options is preferable! In the end of all this rush you realize alcohol
looks good from far but is far from being good when abused!
Decide Today to Drink Responsibly
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