Why Women Love Bend Over !

By on 13:09


Nearly every human behavior has a psychological or if you like a scientific reason if not an explanation. The burden of proof in some researches only lies on the future research on given subject. In this case, the common scientific explanation or suggestion about a sexual behavior is taken to be the Gospel truth until proven wrong by further research.  Before you start calling me names I would like to point out that most of these sexual behaviors have been studied and researched on other animals. 

With enough proof in other species such scientific evidence becomes a worthy piece of research for being tried and tested to see if it also applies across other species Homo sapiens included. This post will focus on showing relation that has been observed and documented on female sexual behavior commonly called ‘ Bend over' in species, why it occurs, what it means and when female species ‘Bend Over’ …if true this could be very interesting scientific phenomenon...............

Bend Over In Kenya/ Nairobi Social Culture
In the social culture of Kenya the dance moves commonly depicting bend over as a style of dancing are very common in Nairobi Culture. This could also be a possibility of the female to impress potential males in their presence. As you will find out from the science facts; female in all species are very selective when it come to their mates.  By understanding more of these facts you will tell the difference ……

Bend Over Scientific Explanation
Sexual Behavior scientists have commonly observed in varied species a behavior called mammalian Lordosis. In the medical terminology Lordosis has a meaning of arching of the back. In sexual behaviors Lordosis has been observed and documented in Female Mammals and particular seen in cats, human and mice. 

What is Lordosis?
Lordosis means the behavior shown by female when on estrus characterized by assuming a mating position. Wikipedia described further that Lordosis occurs as a behavior before mating and females curve their spine and raise the backside.

When Does Lordosis Occur?
This is influenced by the increasing level of estrogen hormone during the heat period. If you read further you will see there are lots of impulses from the brain that tend to influence this behavior. This behavior is well described as attractive copulatory behavior. This contributes to the advancement of the species since it is a great way for female to initiate the mating process.
In Anthropological Context
One of the leading anthropologists Helen Fisher suggests that women wearing high heels are in somewhat a presumptive kind of Lordosis. The fact that high heels tend to elevate the buttocks has been cited as the reason for this theory.

Whether this scientific arguments are true or not; one thing that is obvious about ‘bend over’ it is sexually suggestive behavior. So next time you are dancing with this stranger in a club, you could be helping someone fulfill their natural ‘subconscious’ motive. What is your experience with this? Share your experience on the comments below. 

Kenyan Bachelor

Kenyan Guy with passion for technology, style, writing and blogging, constantly fascinated by gadgets, geeky stuff and beautiful universe. In a typical day Kenyan Bachelor is a guy you will find anywhere in near gadgets, computers and geeky forums. ..