When No strings Attached is the Only Option

Nothing beats a man hands down, than a futile chase of a mate who will neither give in, to his yielding demands nor show him total rejection. Its better a girl you are falling rejects you from the beginning than keeping you there dangling with your emotions, while she has absolutely no intent of dating you. In the...

Why Men would rather marry a ‘Whore’ than Conservative Girl

Photo Source Nothing confuses a man than the choice of a mate who will be his life time partner, the mother of his kids and his first lady. While this confusion reigns, majority of men getting married are torn between making choices on the best partner out of the girls they have been dating. This is not strange since...

DO YOU KNOW: You Might Be Infected with Chlamydia and Have No IDEA!

If you have not heard about Chlamydia infection before, this post will enlighten you on all that you need to know about Chlamydia infection and help you deal with it. You might want to read this post carefully since you might be infected with Chlamydia and living with it unknowingly! Shocking as it sounds; Chlamydia is one of...

History of Women Sex Toys: How the First Vibrator was Made

 Innovative Medical Technology It’s amazing how innovative technology can develop to be used for diverse purposes. One such medical invention that is today used by millions of women round the world is the vibrator. It was in the early 18th century that doctors devised a device for treating female hysteria by manipulative pelvic massage. This device was initially...

Should Vibrators be sold on Prescription Only In Kenya?

Source Not until recently did I know that vibrators can be easily acquired in the street of Nairobi. I thought it was just fascination by people in town, who say that Sex toys are the ‘new arrival’. I still can ‘t believe if men toys can make any good business in Kenya but am tempted to think that...

Do you believe Conspiracy Theory about Origin of HIV ?

HIV/AIDS is certainly one of the most deadly diseases that are thought to have been invented as a biological weapon in the US laboratories. The theory purports that the US foreign policy was concern in controlling the population of black people and homosexuals.  Source Whether this theory is true or not , there are some shocking facts about this theory that...

Online Dating in Nairobi Review : Sugar Daddy Dating Site in Kenya

Seeking Arrangement Dating Site Kenya Online dating in Nairobi is not only challenging but confusing since very few people can trust people who they meet online. Due to lack of dating sites that can be trusted many dating sites come and go but a few dating sites have been persistent.  If you have been following dating online in...

Beware Commonly used Drugs for Spiking Drinks in Clubs

Many revelers in Nairobi don’t even know what mchele means, they have only heard ‘ Kuwekewa Mchele’ which means your drink getting spiked. I would like to unearth this mystery of drugs used to spike drinks, the so commonly called Mchele. They resemble a grain of rice in size and this is the reason zinaitwa MCHELE. This is a crime that...

How to Avoid your Drink Getting Spiked in Nairobi Clubs

For one reason or another we have constantly had of cases of friends or relatives whose drinks get spiked or they are druged by criminals in Nairobi Clubs. This scene in the picture below is very common in Nairobi. So how can you stay ahead of these criminals as you party in Nairobi clubs I have written the general...

Women Desire Sex When Drunk than Sober!

It is shocking but the truth be told; it is scientifically proven that women desire sex when they are drunk than when they are sober. Some guys will even argue that the strongest of all aphrodisiacs for women is alcohol; ‘it can work miracles’ they say! But HOW? This scientific fact sounds absurd, but why do women desire...

Shocking Relationship between Sex, Alcohol and Consequences

There is a high likelihood that a strangers drinking in Nairobi clubs might end up having sex in the same night! This is trend has popularly been termed as ‘Chips Funga’. Chips fungaing is something that happens from time to time in Nairobi in the recent past. Have you ever wondered about the role played by alcohol in...

How to Date a Woman with More Money

Source  Dating a woman with more money is not a tragedy as many men in Kenya think. It is possible to date a woman who makes more money without worrying about losing your masculinity. Our new constitution is empowering women and offering them equal opportunities to men in employment and government opportunities. This is the best thing that...

100 Stereotypes about Kenyan Women

(Guest Post) This is part of Share Your Story Kenyan Bachelor Blog I have been hearing different stereotypes about Kenya women from every other corner of the internet. I have decided to come up with this post that will list all the Stereotypes you have heard about Kenyan women. Note there is also a version here for Stereotype...

100 Stereotypes about Kenyan Men

This is a guest Post via Share your Story Page There are many stereotypes about Kenyan men out there. Here is a list of the most common. You can add on the comments to make them 100. Let us embrace our divieristy and learn to torelate one another.  Kikuyu Men love Money Kikuyu men are worst in Bed...

5 New Year Resolutions for Successful Dating in Men

Dating is one of the most interesting stages in life that brings mixed fortunes and adversities alike! This is the reason the world has so many broken hearts. This year 2013 let’s get started by creating a list of 10 important New Year Dating Resolutions. Although no one of us cares to keep these resolutions, they can be...

Wishing you a Happy and Prosperous 2013

Its again that time of the year when we all have to forget the baggage of the past year and forge ahead by making new year resolutions, let me take this opportunity to wish you a happy and prosperous new year.  I welcome you to read this column for the next one year. Thank you  KB ...