Opinion : Kenya Husbands Need Attention !

By on 13:33

Opinion : Kenya Husbands Need Attention Not the Baby !
If you read the 10 types ofhusbands you should by now know where you fall as a husband or the husband you are going to be when you get married. As a husband there are many challenges you can get from time to time in your married. One such challenge is the shift of attention from you to your child when your wife delivers a baby. This article will highlight some reasons why husbands need attention.

Husbands Need Attention too
Being able to give birth is such a wonderful blessing that should never be taken for granted. We should be thankful to the almighty because some couples for one reason or another, burn the midnight oil unsuccessfully trying to make a baby.
Disappointingly, when some women get babies, they completely forget about their husbands. Wait a minute, don’t get me wrong, a baby deserves every attention it can get from its mum, but when her attention just revolves around the baby rather obsessively then we are going to have a problem.
Take it from me, when a man realizes that since the baby’s arrival, his entire wife’s attention has shifted from him, he would naturally feel neglected.
More irritating is when a loving and caring husband takes such a wife to a far-flung holiday destination in an effort to rejuvenate their love life, only for the insensitive wife to keep spoiling the mood by unnecessarily worrying talking about the baby.
Never mind the baby — who is no longer breast-fed — would have been left under the care of someone more responsible and experienced: Grandma.  And when such a man looks for another woman for undivided attention, or hits the beer bottle for consolation, the same wife will have the audacity to complain.
Thing is, we men love attention. If you didn’t know, now you know. So divide the time and attention. If you have brains, throw the baby out of the matrimonial bed after a while.
No man wants a woman who slaps his hands away and reminds him to ‘stop ‘disturbing’ lest he wakes up the baby’ each time he tries to reach for what he was legitimately bequeathed for life before elders and a religious leader.

Kenyan Bachelor

Kenyan Guy with passion for technology, style, writing and blogging, constantly fascinated by gadgets, geeky stuff and beautiful universe. In a typical day Kenyan Bachelor is a guy you will find anywhere in near gadgets, computers and geeky forums. ..