Kenyan Men are Broke and Ugly Ciku Muiruri Rants

By on 12:06

Kenyan Men are Broke and Ugly Ciku Muiruri Rants To be manly is having or denoting those good qualities traditionally associated with men such as courage and strength. So a man who acts the opposite of this I’d imagine is a wimp – Weak, feeble and cowardly. I saw something on the news this week that made me sad.

A wimp (Allow me to use this word to denote his feeble message) representing the male population under the auspices of the Global Gender Empowerment Network was asking guys to stand up for themselves (presumably against women) by shaking our hands with their left hand, not smiling at us and not having physical relations with us. Does this sound very manly to you? Why would an organization that purports to empower men give them silly things to do that can only serve to emasculate them?
I’m tired of Kenyan men. I really am. A South African, Zimbabwean, Ghanaian, Nigerian, American, English and French guy have all told me that there is something very wrong with the average Kenyan guy. I agree. You make a million excuses for them until you interact with men of different cultures and then you understand – Houston, we have a problem! We have to breed this lot out of existence. In every society you have an evolutionary pattern that emerges for the species to propagate. If for example you live in a society where men do not have economic power and women are doing very well, men evolve to be very good looking and virile. If conversely society has plenty of successful men then women around them have extraordinary beauty. Look at Ethiopian or Rwandese women. Here, they will stop traffic. But in their countries their men will walk down the street and keep walking when a hottie walks past without a second glance. Why? Because they are a dime a dozen. The women are not economically empowered and to propagate, evolution conspires to make them more physically appealing to the males in their society. Getting a beautiful woman to marry and sire your kids is as easy as a gesture, so they evolve to have the edge.
Chicago is an example of a city that has a disproportionate number of hot guys. They are everywhere! Waiters, bellboys, random guys on the streets, hot, hot, hot! You know how your typical African American movie has the Blair Underwoods of this world? I saw at least 20 of those on an average day. When was the last time a guy in Nairobi turned your head? It just doesn’t happen. The women in Chicago meanwhile are quite random looking but they seem to have money. Can you see the pattern?
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Kenyan Bachelor

Kenyan Guy with passion for technology, style, writing and blogging, constantly fascinated by gadgets, geeky stuff and beautiful universe. In a typical day Kenyan Bachelor is a guy you will find anywhere in near gadgets, computers and geeky forums. ..