Most Important Lesson : There is a Serious Generation Gap Between Kenyan Leaders (the so called Vijana) and Kenyan Youths
There exist
a serious generation gap between our leaders who want to call themselves Vijana
and the real Vijana. This generation gap calls for tolerance when dealing with
these youths if you are a leader or a public figure. You should be willing to
come down from the ivory tower you live in; to the humble mindset of these
young fellows. Strike a compromise; don’t haul insults on someone because they
made a suggestion about something silly. You should be willing to bridge this
generational gap for you to survive in the realms of power, fame and popularity
among Kenyan youths.
# 1 Respect Earns
you More Respect
I was told
time and again by my teacher that I should learn to respect my elders and that
stuck in my mind to this very day. What he failed to tell me; was if I became a
King I should also respect my subjects. Some time in life we find ourselves in
positions that we have subjects. Even in your own house you have a
house help,
mama nguo and other people who make life better for you. The way we treat them will either earn you
respect or disrespect.
reading Miguna Miguna’s book, I was particularly drawn to this line ‘Kenyans want to carry themselves with
utmost ‘self importance’ (paraphrased
from the original quote)
importance is the word here …many leaders and celebs don’t ‘feel’ the masses
that idolize them. They want to pretend to be demigods forgetting that their
acclaimed status is due to respect people have bestowed on their titles not
# 2 Don’t Start Wars on Social Media
Due to the
nature of social media you should never start war on social media especially if
you have doubtable record as a Leader and celeb. The internet freedom has been
wrongly use in frenzy debates that ruins many public figures don’t go down
history as one of those people who could not hold their anger on social media.
So try to be in your best mind when making replies on social media, avoid being
combative and abusive. If that is your nature, why don’t you hire someone to
manage your social medic account?
# 3 Borrow a Leaf from Wahu Fan Page (See it Here )
If you
can’t fix it borrow some advice, if you see how Wahu as a celeb manages her
fans on the fan page, you should understand how celebrity-fan social media
interactivity should be done. Just check out her page and you will see how she
does it.
# 4 Kenyans Don’t Tolerate Extremism
If there is something that is
distasteful to Kenyans than social and religious extremism, please let me know.
My grand ma use to tell me ‘Guthekio ti Kwendwo ‘ (If they smile at you it does
not mean they love you) If you want to be a darling of the masses it’s a good
advice to avoid extremes in your social behaviors and speech
# 5 Using Twitter is More Professional than
twitter sometime can save you from the sly of the tongue. May be the 140
characters limitation is a good thing to help you avoid some bad words.
Personally I find twitter to be more professional than FB.
# 6 Mind your Language
Words from your mouth will define
your character and will be used against you.
Using abusive words like ‘Idlers’ is distasteful especially coming from
a public figure towards his subjects. A bad request should be turned down
without insults and in a wise way.
# 7 Kenyan Youth look at their
Leaders for Inspiration but they Don’t Get it
It’s a tragedy that Kenyan youths
are always aspiring to get inspiration from their leaders but they rarely get
it. Our leaders openly abuse each other, teach us tribalism and abuse their
subjects. This should not be the case, leaders should inspire youths by their
actions and speech.
# 8 Don’t Hit a Beggar coz he Begged you
If you meet a filthy beggar who
request you for some coins, it does not pay to kick the beggar on the face coz
he borrowed you some money. Remember this world will always have the rich, the
poor, the old, the young, the quite, the noisy and so on...For us to live in
Harmony we should coexist through Mutual Respect since we are all sharing some
common God given resources like OXYGEN !
# 9 Kenyans online are not Idlers
Our leaders and public figures
should stop calling people who are online Idlers, they have no idea how much
the height of unemployment is aching desperate Kenyan youths pushing them to
cyber hustle. I don’t see anyone who spends 5 hours online idling. They are
just working trying to build other nations (brain drain) since our poor Kenya
cannot afford to employ the amount of half baked graduates we are churning from
both our private and public universities. The last time I check it was at the rate
of 5000 graduates per Friday after about every 4-6 months …Carol and the
leaders this is why we are online …..
My Personal Appeal : Let's use social media for making Kenya a wonderful country, let's detest from propagating hate via social media.
I hope I have built the nation
today with my advice to our ‘esteemed’ leaders and celebs.
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