Feminism is Slowly Killing Marriages in Kenya!

By on 02:18

There is a sharp increase in the number of marriages that are hitting the rocks every other day. A close look at what could be the reason why marriage institution have become vulnerable to failure is the increase in what I call ‘unjustified feminism‘. Kenyan society is one that characterized by explosiveness in pursuit of rights and power. 

This could be the reason why in the last two decades women have been over sensitized about their marital rights (haki yetu) resulting in an ‘only women agenda ‘driven society. 

Talk of men being battered, denied sex, denied right of children visitation, extortion and all manner of bad things happening silently to men in the name of ‘women rights’  In the past one year we have seen not less than three major cases of men who have been seriously battered hospitalized. Several other men have been left by their spouses and denied the right to
visit their children.

 Good Old Days seems Like they are Gone…….

While all this is happening we are seeing many young men getting wasted by spouses who claim child support after failed marriages. I don’t want to believe that the law is fair to everyone here; there are many things that fall in between. While we don’t want to cultivate a society that does not embrace fatherhood responsibility, there are many reasons why every attempt to strengthen fatherhood responsibility in Kenya is bound to fail. 

In the times of our forefathers this was not an issue since our fore fathers had submissive and meek wives who were not corrupted by the modernity. I do not mean that all Kenyan women are not ideal for marriage but a good number approach marriage with feminist mindset and are not ready to persevere the ups and downs that come with marriage. 

Kenyan Women always talk of men not willing to commit; but the truth, is many young men are aware of the failing nature of Marriages in Kenya and are not ready to take the risk. If they do they are ready for the consequences.

 Role of Leaders and Church

 It’s obvious that survival marriage institution is threatened; our leaders and church should work very hard to correct these outwardly growing vices. It is time Kenyan women changed their approach to marriage from a combative style to a perseverance style. Times have changed and things have become hard for everyone of us. Economically women in Kenya are more empowered than men but this should not be the cause of neglect of marital obligations.  We need more tolerance for us to give rise to another responsible generation.

Our legal experts need to strike the delicate balance between the violation of men’s rights and over sensitized women rights. As we embrace modern culture we should be aware that our traditional African cultural practices were balanced and had a remedy for almost all societal problems.

The bottom line is; Young women in Kenya should not be left to rip off young hard working citizens in the name of child support.

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Kenyan Bachelor

Kenyan Guy with passion for technology, style, writing and blogging, constantly fascinated by gadgets, geeky stuff and beautiful universe. In a typical day Kenyan Bachelor is a guy you will find anywhere in near gadgets, computers and geeky forums. ..