How to tell if she is Worth a Relationship

By on 04:10

Someone last week shared his painful memory of love gone sour and I would not help wonder why men stick around to women who will obviously disappoint them. If you see the warning signs that she is likely to disappoint you, there is not point of giving yourself some false hopes…just take the high road and never look back. For the sake of this disappointed friend and others out there, I have struggled to come up with a list I would call the tell tale signs that this girl will disappoint you.

Whether you meet in the bar, church , fitness club, school or in a bus stop, virtually all the women react the same way to attraction and you can easily tell if she is interested or not. Never force things ….be an ALPHA! If you are warming up to this chic and things seems to be going in the right
direction, Good Luck but before you go too far check out these tips on whether she is worth a relationship!
1) Her Phone Etiquette
·       Never Calls Back
Love is a mutual feeling that both partners must reciprocate, if you are in a habit of calling her and she never bothers to call back, she is not worth a relationship. You can forgive her for not calling back one, two to three times but if she never calls back...There is no Chemistry!
·       5 ‘Please call meS’ in a Day 
She is either too broke, hustling too much or mean; you can forgive her for being broke, but if in any way these PCMs suggest that she is mean please save your credit for other good use. A good example is when you Sambaza someone 100 only to be called for 2 minutes (4 bob)….then the next day you are back to ‘5 PCMs per Day ‘If this is the case you need to read this How I stopped Dating Losers
·        Phone always on FB poking other Men and peeking ex’s Profile
If she spends all the time on mobile FB she may never even have time for you in a relationship.

2) Her Lifestyle
·        Potato Couch
This one will amuse you by the way she has crammed all the Niger actors names and will call them by their second name while she cannot not even recall the second name of her mother in law to be! . From morning to evening she is always talking about Niger movies and Mexican soaps operas. She ends up watching TV the whole day making it impossible to alienate her from Soap Opera and Movie lifestyle.
·        No Important Life Skills
A good girl in cooking may be forgiven for not knowing how to swim but you may be surprised to come across a chic who does not know how to cook, how to dance, how to swim, how to drive, how to give a speech in public, how to use a computer, How to burn a CD, How to   …blah blah blah …Those important life skills. Don’t be surprised if she only knows how to walk, eat and a few other unnecessary things!
·        Perpetual  Oversleeper 
As far as you know her 80% of time she is boring and sleeping. She cannot put her free time to any other meaningful use other than sleep!

·        Drinks and Blacks Out and Urinates!
If you are a fun of women who drink don’t go for one who drinks and blacks out only for you to carry her home.
3) Her Character 
·        Trust Freak

If you want a relationship and she keep talking of ‘let’s be friends’ this is a nice way of telling you off or she does not trust you. So you should never stick around with hopes that one day she will change her mind. In most cases it never works!
·        Don’t Recall Names of People
There are many chics who will swear that they have never met someone or even seen them while that person is their next door neighbor! Sounds ridiculous but it’s true, call them snobbiest but they exist. You introduce them to your friends time and again every time you meet with your friends. Its either they pretend or have memory of a Goldfish, I prefer the former! These are the kind who will embarrass seriously if you are a man of the people (Leader)!
·        Nagging and Petty
It is possible to tell that this is a nagging woman who is not worth a relationship from very far. Nagging women will end up being quarrelsome in relationships and very frustrating, they will accuse you of things that done exist and throw tantrums at shadows

·        Talking too Much (Verbal Diarrhea )

She just requires 2 or 3 people gathered somewhere (bar, salon, your house, stage), without knowing the kind of audience she is talking to, she will start verbal diarrhea all manner of personal stories that no one has asked for!   
4) What she thinks About YOU
·        You should look for Another Job!
Whether you are a banker, plumber, teacher, hustler, blogger, broker, butcher or whatever career, a woman who does not appreciate your source of income is not worth a relationship. You should know that most marital problems in Kenya are associated with financial problems if not infidelity. You should never lie about what you do for a living, let her either accepts what you do for a living or look the other side where the grass is greener!
·        You are not better than Her Ex
Women are the worst when it comes to getting over their Ex, they will try to compare you with the other guy and if you are timid and don’t believe in yourself you will be cowed to believe that she is the most gorgeous gift from the gods’ believe me you….’ You are always doing your best …no other man should be used as a Yardstick to measure your achievement. …so give her a break!
·        You should not be Fatter, Shorter and Blacker ….
Please Watch this Video by Sean Kingston

These are few tips that I came up with; you can share more from your experiences via the comments 

Kenyan Bachelor

Kenyan Guy with passion for technology, style, writing and blogging, constantly fascinated by gadgets, geeky stuff and beautiful universe. In a typical day Kenyan Bachelor is a guy you will find anywhere in near gadgets, computers and geeky forums. ..