3 Things Kenyans won’t Wear Condoms First!

By on 13:07

It’s been a while since I got a chance to write a blog thanks to many generous people who have made my holiday a great success story! I hope you are also having a wonderful festive period and have managed to travel to ocha safely for those of us who must go to ocha this time of the year. When traveling a few days ago I could not help thinking about Kenyans and the risks they take! I think Kenyans are some of the highest risk takers in living in the world today! 

We watch so many ads advocating for change of behavior in Kenya but very few reliable researches are done to determine whether the efforts work. We spend millions of shillings on social behavior change but we are not keen to see how effective the campaigns have been on our society. In my research I have realized Kenyans are notorious for not wearing three things that put their life to potential risk.
The following are the three things Kenyans are hesitant to wear:

Condoms: We are all sure that a well worn condom reduces the chances of getting sexually transmitted infections significantly. Despite this fact many young Kenyans want to have unprotected sex, they won’t wear condoms!
Do you wear condoms? 

Seat Belts: If Kenyans were to be fined 10k for everyone caught not wearing their safety belts, we would all wear seatbelts. Interesting! Kenyans are very reluctant to wear a seat belt that puts their lives to serious risk. They only wear seat belts at the sight of a police check!
Do you wear Seat Belt always? 

Motorbike Helmet: How many times have you asked your boda boda for a helmet before you take a ride? Very few of us take this into consideration, when you get a serious accident you will realize how high the price of ignorance can be.
Do you wear rider’s helmet?

If all your three answers are YES, Congratulations! Fellow Kenyans let’s try to do some damage control by taking care of safety measures that can help us reduce severity of any suffering that may plague us! 

Safety First …Have a safe HOLIDAY!

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Kenyan Bachelor

Kenyan Guy with passion for technology, style, writing and blogging, constantly fascinated by gadgets, geeky stuff and beautiful universe. In a typical day Kenyan Bachelor is a guy you will find anywhere in near gadgets, computers and geeky forums. ..