Should Women be trusted to Dispose Condoms?

I previously wrote an article about 3 things that Kenyans don’t like wearing and one of them was condoms! While this is one of the best ways to get protection from Sexually transmitted diseases, there are many myths that revolve around condom use that we should demystify here. One of such myths is whether a girl can be...

3 Things Kenyans won’t Wear Condoms First!

It’s been a while since I got a chance to write a blog thanks to many generous people who have made my holiday a great success story! I hope you are also having a wonderful festive period and have managed to travel to ocha safely for those of us who must go to ocha this time of the...

The Advice: ‘Utaacha Mshamba Uoe Malaya! ‘Helped Me!

Photo Source : Area254 A while ago I came across a brawl in down town Nairobi involving a smartly dressed man and a ‘Mukorino’ woman. The scuffle lasted for a few minutes and seemed to be some love gone sour. It was not until that some plain clothed officers swung into action to restrain this furious woman that...

How to tell if she is Worth a Relationship

Someone last week shared his painful memory of love gone sour and I would not help wonder why men stick around to women who will obviously disappoint them. If you see the warning signs that she is likely to...

10 Lessons Celebs and Politicians Should Learn from ‘Caroline Mutoko Madeness ‘

It’s barely a few days since the social media beef between Carol Mutoko and some aggrieved ‘Kenyan Youths’ started. I have been reading some comments posted on the page lately and I would not help bursting in laughter. So I would like to let our Celebs and Politicians learn a few lessons here about social media and avoiding negative...

Feminism is Slowly Killing Marriages in Kenya!

There is a sharp increase in the number of marriages that are hitting the rocks every other day. A close look at what could be the reason why marriage institution have become vulnerable to failure is the increase in what I call ‘unjustified feminism‘. Kenyan society is one that characterized by explosiveness in pursuit of rights and power. ...

Sunday Inspiration : Psalms 23 Sheng Version

Its Sunday again and I hope you had a nice week. I received this Verse from a friend and I would like to share it as our Sunday inspiration:  Psalm 23 (sheng version)Sir God ni Mtu nguyas,Sitahustle na sitabeat,Yee hunilead kwa mawaba zime relax,Na anabambisha roho ya myn,Hunichapia manjia za para juu ya jina yake,Hata nikipitia machuom ngori za kuukata,Manze sita tense,Juu...

Why I Gave Up Dating Short Women !

Lil Kim : Source Lately I have had girls fuss around about how they are looking for tall guys yet most of them fall below 4 ft in height. One of my ladies colleagues even told me that she would forgive a guy on anything else so long as he is tall. Note I mean physical height (not elsewhere) 

This Story Changed My Style of Approaching Women for Dating

                                                               Photo Source ‘And she claims she was only with me for the currency.  You cut me deep, bitch, cut me like surgery and I was too proud to admit that it was hurting me I'd never do that to you, at least purposely…..’   These are lines borrowed from Kanye West in the song Bitter Sweet. …...

The Most Common Pitfalls for Men Getting Married In Kenya !

‘Kenyans invest in shoes and beer and don’t want to invest in their health…’ Professor Anyang Nyong was quoted some while back.  I listened to this comment from the public health minister realized this truism could only make sense to those who cared to think about what he meant. For a moment if you think of getting married...

Sunday Inspiration : How to Stop Worrying

In the recent times so many bad things (Alshabab attacks, police killings, accidents) happen around us and we worry about bad things that can happen to us. Its human nature to worry but the best way to live a life free of worries is using the technique I call ' Worst case Scenario ...'  You should always ask...