Andrew, Audrey Mbugua’s Transgender Case

Nairobi, Kenya: A landmark case before the High Court could have far reaching implications on how persons of transgender are treated. It involves a woman, born 29 years ago as Andrew Mbugua Ithibu, but who chose to change her gender.  Unable to win Government recognition of her new status as a woman, Audrey Mbugua Ithibu has now taken the battle to court. She accuses the...

'Men Don’t Grow OLD' A Granny in Naivasha is Divorcing his Wife on Grounds of Conjugal Rights Denial

NAIVASHA, KENYA: A 68-year-old man from Kinagop, Nyandarua County wants to divorce his 60 year old wife for denying him his conjugal rights. After 38 years in marriage, the granny wants to call it quits insisting that his rights have been violated.      Its been 10 Years The granny claims that for the last ten years, he has never gotten intimate with his wife and...

6 Best Places to Meet Good Women in Nairobi for Dating

Image Source If you are wondering where you can meet a good date in Nairobi, you may want to read these tips of the best places to meet Women in Nairobi for dating. Before you review these places, you probably missed out on the most read post in the previous week ‘ Obvious reasons why you get rejected...

6 Hurtful Reasons She Won’t Pick your Calls

Considering you have been dating or trying to date a certain girl but she keeps refusing to pick your calls, its time you went back to the drawing board and did some evaluation. This post will expose to you some of the most common or known reasons that girls detest from picking some ‘guys’ calls. This post should...

8 Genuine or Fake EXCUSES She does NOT Pick your Calls !

Image Source Dating can be one of the most challenging yet rewarding experiences in your life. While dating should be a mutual engagement, most cases men find themselves giving too much case with little or no catch. If you ever come to such a point, you should consider auditing your action vis-à-vis your partner reactions to just be...

Interesting Scientific and Historical Facts about Human Sex with Animals

In the last two weeks Kenya social scene has been abuzz with amusement at the discovery of three girls having sex with dogs in Mombasa. While this is unheard of in Kenyan culture, there are many ways we may look at this issue without limiting our thinking to only social consequences. I want to give this bizarre incidence...

10 Manly Habits to Improve your Looks and Sexual Appeal

Image Source There are many ways that you can adapt to constantly improve the way you look and ultimately make you the object of desire of many women out there. It’s hard to talk about attracting good looking girls and not talk about the way you should nurture a plan to improve your looks. In this dating game,...

How to Identify and Eliminate Bad Breath

Image Source  Bad breath is one of the reasons why you will not be getting a second date. Most people cannot stand bad breath especially in romantic relationships. I have from time to time researched on the best ways that you can use to quickly identify bad breath and eliminate so that you can have a perfect romantic...

11 Obvious Reasons Women REJECT you at FIRST SIGHT

Image Source Kenyan women are highly intelligent when it comes to spotting a man who wants to fake what he is not. The Number #1 dating Advice is ‘Always be yourself ….don’t try to fake your personality’. If you are having a first date anytime soon you should be aware that you will never get a second chance to...