Why Kenyan Men Dread a Woman President..

By on 02:36

Martha Karua

Mention to many men in Kenya about a Woman president next year and most of them would rather vote for their most 'unpopular' candidate than vote for a woman. We have been having this debate with my colleagues for a while but I can’t help but draw these conclusions from our discussions. 

Voting for a Woman President is a No for Most Kenyan Men Why?
Most of my buddies agree with no irk that a woman president would definitely change this country but most of them will not vote for a woman. Why? Ask American white extremist why they would rather have voted for a black man than vote for Hillary! We have agreed that all the most women aspiring for presidency lack good presentation to a male voter. 

Most men even the so called 'Gentle Men’ have serious egos that need to be pampered and idolized by their partners. Most of the women who aspire to rule us next year don't symbolize that submissive woman all Kenyan men

 Contrary from the popular belief amongst Kenyan women, that there are no Husbands in Kenya, there are many good men but they (women) have poor presentation skills! 

My Free advice to Women Aspiring to be President Next Year
# 1) To be a president you need to pass the moral test. Most men detest immoral women......Check your record

Lets quote Wikipedia here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martha_Karua
 ‘ Martha Karua gained attention after she and a Catholic priest, Fr. Dominic Wamugunda, were carjacked and robbed on December 6, 2003. She said in Parliament that she was under no obligation to provide any explanation for why she was in Wamugunda's car or what she was doing at the time of the carjacking. Her security guards were not present when the crime occurred; Karua said that when she did not feel she needed the guards, she did not use them. Martha Karua is a divorcee. ‘

‘Kenyan Health Minister Charity Ngilu has reportedly sued two media houses over allegations that she had an affair in a parking lot in the capital Nairobi recently.
She dismissed as malicious claims that she had slept with the political activist Tony Gachoka in the parking lot of a sports club in Nairobi in July.

#2 To be a president you need to be a role Model to our girlfriends, wives, daughters ….are you a role model at Home?
#3 To be a president you need to have a first Gentle Man ……....are you going to hire one  ? We need to see a complete first family!
#4 To be a president you need to have unshakable character
# 5 To be a president you need to trim your ironess and dictatorial tendencies directed towards Kenyan men.
# 6 To be a president you should show the need to work with other parties without asking or demanding for too much!
#7 To be a president you need to be corruption free

#8 To be our president you need to exhibit good mothering ability and a good sense of mentorship

# 9 To be president in a country people call each other all sorts of names in the political conquests you need to keep your mouth shut and know when to talk.

# 10 To be a president you can afford to ignore the Kenyans online, in social media and generally Kenyan youth….if you do, FORGET the presidency.  We are a growing mass that can’t be ignored.

To sum up this story anyone who aspires to be a leader in future should exercise high moral aptitude. Kenyans are quick to forget but very unforgiving!  

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Kenyan Bachelor

Kenyan Guy with passion for technology, style, writing and blogging, constantly fascinated by gadgets, geeky stuff and beautiful universe. In a typical day Kenyan Bachelor is a guy you will find anywhere in near gadgets, computers and geeky forums. ..