Top 10 Toughest Jobs in Kenya

By on 09:30

Toughest Jobs In Kenya
In the past few days our nation has been engulfed by immense grief resulting from the loss of 46 police officers to bandits in Suguta Valley. What has followed is an endless blame game that is not only unnecessary but shocking! My concern is the fact that some of these policemen were rookies who had just left college the other day. I sympathize with these young men.

I am in particular concern that the police were not only ill equipped but also inexperience to fight bandits in that terrain. Something should be done to avert such deaths of young officers. I salute these gallant officers since they selflessly live everyday to make us safe. We cannot ask for more …..

Some careers in Kenya make up some of the toughest jobs in the world due to risks that are associated with this kind of jobs. I have come up with a list of ten jobs that I regard as the toughest jobs in Kenya. Some of the factors that make the toughest jobs in Kenya to be tougher are:

Poor Remuneration
Inadequate Equipment
Tough Working Environment
Inadequate training
Inexperience to new working environment 

Top Ten Toughest Jobs in Kenya
# 1 Kenya Defence Forces

Kenya Defence forces are indeed one of the toughest jobs in the country. They are mandated to protect the country sovereignty and ensure they eliminate national threats. This is tall order and they have made us proud in their recent incursion in Somalia. 

# 2 Kenya Police

Joining Kenya police is as tough as the job, the young men who succeed to join Kenya police are soon converted to tough officers who are ready to combat crime,
enforce law and live up to their motto: Utumishi kwa Wote. Soon they are faced with the day to day problems associated with being a policeman. A job may be classified as a tough job due to the challenges that are encountered when working.

# 3: Kenyan Fire Fighters

Fires are very common in Nairobi and other towns in Kenya. Fire fighting is one of the toughest jobs around the world. In Kenya being a fire fighter is even tougher. They are men who have to fight fierce fire with some of the most congested neighborhood, with poor planning, no hydrants and all other challenges associated with fire fighting as a job.

 Most people blame fire fighters for not being effective and rapid in their response but this is a tough job that becomes tougher when you don’t have good roads, poor equipment and poor disaster response strategy.

# 4 Power Engineers

Power Engineers career is one of the toughest jobs that involve working on power lines that are not only risky due to their power but engineers have to work on high power lines that are equally dangerous. This makes this job one of the toughest jobs.

# 5 Kenya WildLife Service Officers

Kenya Wildlife rangers are faced by a daily risk of encountering poachers who can be ruthless criminals. Poachers are always armed and ready to combat rangers. Besides the poachers working with wild animals also presents a unique challenge, making this job one of the toughest jobs in Kenya.

# 6 Construction Workers

Construction workers have to be tough to accomplish some of the most challenging construction contracts. These are people who are often called ‘watu wa njengo’ but they are tough and deserve a pat in their back.

#7 Telecommunication Masts Technicians

These are men who are cut from the best cloth since they do extra ordinary things. They climb to heights ordinary people could never climb. They are from time to time on top of these masts carrying out maintenance procedures or assembling new telecommunication masts.

#8 Investigative Journalists

 Investigative journalists are always faced by tough career decision that they have to make and live with the consequences. In Kenya being an investigative journalist present a string of problems that can often be life threatening. Most investigated people are powerful people with ill gotten wealth and will do anything to protect it. As an investigative journalist you have to stay one step ahead of your ‘enemies’  Here safety can never be 100% guarantee.

#9 Sewer Cleaners

Sewer cleaners are responsible for cleaning the sewer lines and they may not be popular in the mainstream but they do a tough job. What makes this job tougher is lack of well planned sewer system and automation. Most of this job is done manually to unblock the sewage. This is indeed a tough job.

#10 High Building Cleaners

These cleaners have to clean these building from the outside hanging on a pulley system. This is not just a job you can do without courage. It is a tough job.

Bonus Point:  Hawking in CBD

Hawking in CBD is also a tough job based on the facts that you have to keep dodging city councils askaris.

                There are other tough jobs you can add them on the list by making a comment. 

Kenyan Bachelor

Kenyan Guy with passion for technology, style, writing and blogging, constantly fascinated by gadgets, geeky stuff and beautiful universe. In a typical day Kenyan Bachelor is a guy you will find anywhere in near gadgets, computers and geeky forums. ..