When Men CRY, It leaves nothing to be Desired! Why Obama Cried Yesterday !

By on 08:23

It’s a common perception that men should not cry since it’s seen as a sign of masculine weakness. I think crying or not crying can never be use as a yardstick to measure the strength of a man. Crying is personal and does not make you less a man but crying for votes like our politicians do leave less to be desired!

After watching the video of Obama emotional speech and watching the president of the most powerful state sob, I realized sometimes men can be forced by circumstance to cry!

When Men Should Cry!
I know most men in their boyhood they cried one, two or several times but for different reasons. One of the most common things
we all cried was food, neighborhood bullies, stupid fears ….and the list is endless.

Now that we are fully grown men, crying is seen as a weakness but there are times we should cry seriously!

Owed Gratitude
There are things that can never be equated to monetary value. One of the most important prerequisite for wining an election is putting together a team that is devoted, works tirelessly without expecting to be paid. In the case of our Kenyan politics, there are very few people who can volunteer to work for someone’s campaign without expecting huge pay checks! When you see men believe in you to an extent they can volunteer their effort, time, resources for your success, I think shedding a gratitude tear would not make you a lesser man.

What do you think about Obama Crying?

Watch the video HERE

Kenyan Bachelor

Kenyan Guy with passion for technology, style, writing and blogging, constantly fascinated by gadgets, geeky stuff and beautiful universe. In a typical day Kenyan Bachelor is a guy you will find anywhere in near gadgets, computers and geeky forums. ..