Change in Kenya Begins with you where you are ….

At this moment Kenya is a bubble of enthusiasm as we tirelessly chant and talk at each other. We seem to have lost our sanity as we fight for our political camps as we wait for next year elections. I am not a prophet of doom but with this mentality Kenyans have embraced for generations, we really need a miracle...

Top 10 Toughest Jobs in Kenya

Toughest Jobs In Kenya In the past few days our nation has been engulfed by immense grief resulting from the loss of 46 police officers to bandits in Suguta Valley. What has followed is an endless blame game that is not only unnecessary but shocking! My concern is the fact that some of these policemen were rookies who...

Why Success Only Comes to Those Who Leave their Mother’s Quarters Early in Life!

I often get disturbed by the fact that most young men in the recent times want to bask in the glory of their parents wasting away the most productive time in their lifetime. Growing up in the village presented those of us who grew up there with serious challenges, which we had to overcome to at least come...

The Most Incredible Sex Story as told by a Herbalist

Nothing beats a man’s ego than premature ejaculation and or erectile dysfunction. A while ago while patrolling the streets of Nakuru I came across this herbalist whose sales pitch made me realize how gullible young men can become.  The sales pitch also made me realize we do not give our best to make ends meet.....(how many of us would craft...

When Men CRY, It leaves nothing to be Desired! Why Obama Cried Yesterday !

It’s a common perception that men should not cry since it’s seen as a sign of masculine weakness. I think crying or not crying can never be use as a yardstick to measure the strength of a man. Crying is personal and does not make you less a man but crying for votes like our politicians do leave...

The Most Important Lesson I learnt about Getting Married

I know many young men when they hit the age of 25 they certainly face the reality that marriage life is beckoning! It’s been a while since I saw 25 come and go and I am still counting years. Not until the recent past that one of my aunts asked me ‘Meku andu aku’ loosely translated as where...

Why Kenyan Men Dread a Woman President..

Martha Karua Mention to many men in Kenya about a Woman president next year and most of them would rather vote for their most 'unpopular' candidate than vote for a woman. We have been having this debate with my colleagues for a while but I can’t help but draw these conclusions from our discussions.  Voting for a Woman President is a No...