Article of the Week : African Men are Facing Extinction thanks to Western Culture by Karl Marx

By on 10:41

The devastating consequences of attempting to westernize the Africans’ mental perspectives and ways of life continue to bite. Although I believe that we should not hesitate to steal progressive ideas from the white man- particularly in science and economics- I find it repelling whenever the African people attempt to adopt the western culture and delude themselves that it can work here in Africa

Take the emergence of this sissy, fragile, salon patronizing metro-sexual man for example. 
This man thinks it is cool to go for manicures, buying expensive ,feminine perfumes, crying at the slightest opportunity and even competing with women in the beauty department. It is not only totally gross but also idiotic as well. I am not saying that men should not be neat but that doesn’t mean carrying a mirror and staring at your face every 10 minutes.

This is the type of man that cannot fix a sink because he’ll get dirty, a man that will propose to a woman when kneeling down and weeping, a man that cannot drink directly from a tusker bottle because he prefers sipping his beer like it is some horrible poison, a man that cannot mown his lawn because his hands will get blisters, a man who can never own a sword in his bedroom because even
when an unarmed ruffian breaks into his house, he’d rather say prayers rather than dealing with the ruffian man to man, a man who would rather spend 5k to have his car repaired when he could have dealt with the problem, a man who’d never touch Ugali and stew but would rather go out and eat sissy food, …….basically a very irritating feminine man. 

The type of man who knows more about the cosmetic industry than even the average woman 
This man thinks that spending his hours cuddling his girlfriend’s hands is the ultimate mark of a modern man. A man who keeps teddy bears in his bedroom! In fact, when he is making love to his wife/gf, he is very careful lest he ‘hurts’ her. 

While I am not very sure how women perceive this man, I am convinced that this man is an idiot. A loser that no woman should waste time with. A man that is making our ancestors turn uncomfortably in their graves. He should be treated with the contempt that he truly deserves. 

Real men must have the warrior blood in them; real men must defend their wives, their communities and the nation. But this idiot can never even hurt a fly with all his fragileness.
We must ensure that the real African man is not wiped out by this western thing

Kenyan Bachelor

Kenyan Guy with passion for technology, style, writing and blogging, constantly fascinated by gadgets, geeky stuff and beautiful universe. In a typical day Kenyan Bachelor is a guy you will find anywhere in near gadgets, computers and geeky forums. ..