Relationship Problems: Coping with Women who suffer from Overactive Bladder

By on 07:03

Adult bed wetting is one of the most challenging relationship problems that can lead to unstable relationships, domestic violence and gross abuse in a relationship. Adult bed

women bed wetting, overactive bladder in women
wetting is not so commonly reported in Kenya possibly due to stigma. 

This does not mean it does not occur frequently  ......Take for example this case of a woman who wets the bed and cannot remember anything about wetting the bed: 

Guys help me out here, I took a chips funga to my keja yester night and had a lot of fun did all i could imagine of na later tukalala. Kuamka asubuhi nimepata dem amekojoa kwa kitanda, when I ask her anasema si yeye ati maybe ni vile she always sweats when sleeping. Walai hio harufu ni ya mkojo no doubt about that. Now lazima ni anike hio mattress outside kwa jua ndio ikauke. Sijui itakuwaje am still thinking.
Adopted from Kenyalist

Adult Bet Wetting is a Serious Social Problem not Commonly Reported in Kenya

No doubt this is a serious problem that needs not only medical approach but also psychological counseling approach. These kind of cases of adults who wet their beds are
not so commonly reported and only when you come across one you find it very strange. There are a number of medical conditions that may be attributed to women wetting their beds but let’s begin with the most common cause of adult bed wetting; overactive bladder. 

So what is Overactive Bladder?     
Overactive bladder is a medical problem that affects the urinary bladder and brings about a sudden irresistible urge to urinate. It may be very difficult to stoop the urine in people who suffer from overactive bladder. 

 This may lead to involuntary urination. Socially this causes embarrassment and may easily lead to stigma. It’s important you assist such people who suffer from overactive bladder by helping them seek the necessary medical attention.

In this case this lady should seek help from our well able Kenyan doctors and specifically urologist.

In KNH there are a number of specialists who can help diagnose her problem and possibly treat the case successfully. 
She should also seek the help of a professional counselor to assist her understand her condition and reduce the mental turmoil he has to go through every time she is embarrassed by the condition. Here are some important signs of overactive bladder:
Signs of Overactive Bladder
  1. Sudden irresistible urge to urinate
  2. Frequent urine incontinence
  3. Involuntary urination
  4. Very frequent urination more than 8 times within a period of 24 hours
  5. Waking up more than 2 times to urinate at night what is called nocturia (increased urination during the night)

Some causes of Overactive Bladder
Overactive bladder is common problem with aging
Poor kidney function, diabetes and other diseases that cause increased urine production may lead to overactive bladder.
  1. Urinary System infection can also cause this problem
  2. Excess consumption of alcohol
  3. Obstructed urinary bladder outflow  
  4. Neurological conditions like Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis
  5. Drugs that cause increased urine production or increased fluid intake
  6. Emotional stress and depression
These are possibly some of the causes of this problem in women and you can help her cope with the problem by visiting an urologist for a checkup.

Other Related Stories,Reference and Discussions from around the Web :

Wikipedia:  Overactive Bladder 
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