Photos of Kenyan Police Woman with Tight Skirt goes Viral and Crazy

By on 12:48

Photos of Kenyan Police Woman with Tight Skirt goes Viral and Crazy

A Kenyan Police woman who went to work in a tight skirt has been reprimanded. The fact that these uniforms are issued by the government many social media participants said she should not be reprimanded.  The following are pictures and memes of Kiambu police woman and her tight skirt.
Kiambu Police Woman with Tight Skirt

Kiambu Police Woman with Tight Skirt

Kiambu Police Woman with Tight Skirt

Kiambu Police Woman with Tight Skirt

Kiambu Police Woman with Tight Skirt

Kenyan Bachelor

Kenyan Guy with passion for technology, style, writing and blogging, constantly fascinated by gadgets, geeky stuff and beautiful universe. In a typical day Kenyan Bachelor is a guy you will find anywhere in near gadgets, computers and geeky forums. ..