How to Know this Girl is Wife Material : Reblog

By on 01:31

Choosing a girl to marry seems to be a daunting task facing many Kenyan bachelors, worse in the recent times there have been so much skepticism about getting married. I found this interesting article of how you can tell if the girl you are dating is wife material. 

It’s hard out here on the dating scene for men and women. Sometimes you might even find someone who holds your attention for a while, but then you really have to sit down and think “Is she really wifey material?”

She’s selfish and wants all the attention on her at all times.
There is nothing worse than a beautiful woman who is insecure. We all have our insecurities, but some women take it way too far. If the girl you are dealing with is constantly all about ‘me, me, me’ then it’s best you run. This will lead to a one-sided marriage that is all about her.
Marriage is a commitment between two people who are willing to compromise their extremes to be with each other and live a happy lifestyle. Someone who is selfish has no ability to compromise and it will without a doubt lead to many arguments and eventually a nasty divorce in which she will try to take all your money.

She’s really jealous and picky about whom you associate yourself with.
If you never gave her a reason to mistrust you, yet she acts weird when you are around certain girls that you have befriended, then she’s just jealous. If you think putting a ring on her finger will change anything, then you are sadly mistaken.
Don’t think it’s going to get better just because you are her husband now. Her possessiveness is only going to increase and there is nothing you can do. So if you think she’s needy and jealous as your girlfriend, then be prepared for a world of pain when you guys get married.

She doesn't get along with your friends.
While this is the most difficult part of any relationship, it is imperative that she gets along with your friends. It is hard to find the proper balance between friends and a girlfriend in any relationship. She may not like your friends, but it’s important that she knows how to respect them because these are the people that have been with you through it all.
If someone doesn't love you for who you are, then they don’t deserve you. Period. There is no reason why you should have to change for anyone. While compromise in a relationship does encourage some change, these are usually just some minor adjustments. There is no need for you to drastically change the way you go about things because your other half wants you to.

She tries too hard to change you.
If someone doesn't love you for who you are, then they don’t deserve you. Period. There is no reason why you should have to change for anyone. While compromise in a relationship does encourage some change, these are usually just some minor adjustments. There is no need for you to drastically change the way you go about things because your other half wants you to.

She can’t cook your favorite dishes.
Now, we know it’s 2013 and feminism is the latest trend taken up by American women. For some reason, women find everything a man asks them to do offensive. Nowadays you can rarely find a woman who takes pride in cooking for her man, it is truly a lost art.
Nowadays you can’t even get a simple sandwich without getting an ear full. If she doesn't know how to make at least 3 of your favorite dishes and doesn't plan on putting the effort into learning how to make them, then she is not wifey material.

Reblog from Kenyan List

Kenyan Bachelor

Kenyan Guy with passion for technology, style, writing and blogging, constantly fascinated by gadgets, geeky stuff and beautiful universe. In a typical day Kenyan Bachelor is a guy you will find anywhere in near gadgets, computers and geeky forums. ..